Friday, January 30, 2009

a walk in the park

a walk in the park

A face frozen, a child’s days framed
For a fraction of eternity
Reflecting moments of a mind untamed
To be my past’s testimony

-=Rajesh Gurung=-



let's talk

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen.
Just listen.
Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention….
A loving silence often has far more power to heal
and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.

-=Rachel Remen=-



another time, another day

It is enough for me by day
 To walk the same bright earth with him;
Enough that over us by night
 The same great roof of stars is dim.

I do not hope to bind the wind
 Or set a fetter on the sea --
It is enough to feel his love
 Blow by like music over me.

-=Sara Teasdale=-


the gift of sight

the gift of sight

It lies not in our power to love or hate,
For will in us is over-rul'd by fate.
When two are stript long ere the course begin,
We wish that one should lose, the other win;
And one especially do we affect
Of two gold ingots, like in each respect:
The reason no man knows; let it suffice,
What we behold is censur'd by our eyes.
Where both deliberate, the love is slight:
Who ever lov'd, that lov'd not at first sight.

-=Christopher Marlowe=-

Meet John, he was born premature, he's 9 months old, and what a difference his glasses make.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

saying goodbye

saying goodbye

Through the darkness
I can see your light
And you will always shine
And I can feel your heart in mine
Your face I've memorized
I idolize just you

-=You're Still You=-

I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know

Let this be our prayer
As we go our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your Grace
To a place where we'll be safe

-=The Prayer=- 


by heart and by soul

by heart and by soul

Neither by hand
Nor by mouth
Shall I bruise you

Neither by heart
Nor by soul
Shall I wound you

Yet by hand
And by mouth
I shall honour you

By heart
And by soul
You will be loved

-=Ryan Chokureva=-


love letter

love letter

My aunt used to collect poems and letters in her youth and compiled and bound it for keepsakes. One of her bound memories ended up with me. This is one of the cards given to her by her suitor with a composition that I love reading again and again.

Dream by Rolando Carbonel

Love... may not be you... loving me
but it may be me loving you,
despite that, it may be me
wanting to forget you, and me,
not being able to.

It may not be me seeing you
though it could be me
feeling your soul's encompassing presence.

It could be you forever
walking away from me,
yet never really leaving me

It could be you searing my soul
with your mocking laughter, your piercing
my being with your deep tenderness.

Love could be you wondering
at my futile intensity
and I wondering
why you wonder still....




I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long.
If we're in each others dreams, we can be together all the time.

-=Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)=-




Miracles are a retelling in small letters
of the very same story
which is written across the whole world
in letters too large for some of us to see.

-=C.S. Lewis=-


to have loved, to have thought, to have done...

to have loved, to have thought, to have done...

Is it so small a thing
To have enjoy'd the sun,
To have lived light in the spring,
To have loved, to have thought, to have done...
-=Matthew Arnold=-


my day is just starting

my day is just starting

On moonlit nights, in the renewal of life in the springtime,
before the glory of a sunset, in moments of swift insight,
people feel the community of their own physical being with the body of mother earth. Rooted in millions of years of planetary history,
the earthling has a secure feeling of being at home, and a consciousness of pride and dignity as a bearer of the heritage of the ages.
-=A. Eustace Haydon=-


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